Monday, July 13, 2015

Life without the patch (Day 393)

Day 393 - I missed my one year mark posting on here, but better late than never.  Life is good when you can breath easier and save money while doing it.  I am very thankful I chose to quit smoking.  I am thankful for all of the support I have received and hope to continue on this path of being a non smoker.  I won't say the days are easier now then they were when I first started quitting, but you take each day at a time and get through each of them.  I see everyday the commercials on the TV about quitting smoking and I want to make sure I continue to not be a statistic of a smoker dying of some awful disease.  Good luck again to anyone trying to quit.  As long as you have people to support you and your are committed, you will quit.

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