Monday, August 25, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 67, 68, 69, and 70

Day's 67, 68, 69, and 70 - I am combining the last four days on the patch because they all have the same conclusion, leaving me thankful that I quit smoking.  I am writing this on day 71 which I am not using the patch anymore and I feel great.  I look forward to the road ahead and all that is in store for my future.  Thank you for everyone that has taken the time to follow my journey.  I will still Blog but it will only be once a week from now on.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 66

Day 66 - I had a good day on Day 66, I completed my companies website and feel good about my new venture of offering IT consulting services to Consumers and Businesses.  Everyone at some point needs technology assistance and I wanted to make sure someone was there to assist those in need at a reasonable cost.  Not smoking has helped me to focus on doing things I may not have done before when I smoked.  Another great day in the books.

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 65

Day 65 - I have run a little behind on my Blog this week so it is time to catch up.  The time is quickly coming where I will only be Blogging on this Blog once a week.  The patch usage is is ending in 5 days and therefore I will only provide weekly updates on my non-smoking progress.  I am still going strong and I feel confident that I will never smoke again.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 64

Day 64 - Beginning of the last week on the patch and it feels good to know that I am almost done with the patch program and that as of today it has been a complete success.

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 63

Day 63 - I am running a day behind on my posts because I have working on getting my business up and running so this Blog didn't fit in that time.  Now that I don't smoke anymore, I have more time to focus on me and things I want to accomplish.  My current business has had zero results and therefore I am shutting it down on 9/11/2014.  My new business is doing something I enjoy and is local to where I live, more on this new venture at a later date.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 62

Day 62 - Just another day without smoking.  Today I just spent the day with my wife and went out shopping and just enjoyed the beautiful weather.  Moving closer to ending the use of the patch.

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 61

Day 61 - I am running a little behind on my posts, but I am playing catch up now.  Day 61 was another fantastic day.  I went to work this day and came home after work and just chilled and watched some TV.  I know, not very exciting, but sometimes you need to just relax.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 60

Day 60 - It is day 60 and I am getting very close to the end of being on the patch.  I am looking forward to not having to put the patch on everyday, but I am also thankful there is a product out there such as the patch that has really help me to get through the beginning of quitting smoking and pretty soon I will be on my own and zero nicotine being fed into my system.  I am excited and scared at the same time, am I really going to be able to progress without the patch, this is a thought I have often, but then I just remember, I made this choice to quit and I am going to stick with it.  I feel better and I want this feeling to continue.  To all of those out there quitting, this is one time quitting makes you a winner.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 59

Day 59 - I have found that now that I don't smoke I want to do so much more then I am doing.  I have a website that is not so good in getting people to visit, but now I think I know what I could do.  I am going to create my first game for iOS and Android.  This will allow me to do something I enjoy and pass some time during the day.  Everyone enjoys a good game on their phone and I will make sure mine is successful.  Just another way quitting smoking has helped me, I am getting my creative juices flowing.  It is time for me to shine.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 58

Day 58 - Each day passes is another day of lung clearing.  I must admit that smoking to me was a complete waste of my time and money.  I wish I could have back all the time and money that I have spent on cigarettes, that would make me feel whole again.  I can't change that, but I can make sure that my future is filled with living and not smoking.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 57

Day 57 - Start of Step 3 on the patches and the final Step.  Almost to the point of not worrying about putting the patch on everyday.  This has been a long journey and many more great days to come.

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 56

Day 56 - Yes I know, I am a day behind on this post.  Day 56 was the last day of Step 2 of the patch and was looking forward to starting the last step of the patches.  Let the no smoking continue.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 55

Day 55 - Yesterday (day 55) was a great day, my wife and I and some family went on a canoe trip and had a great time.  I always wanted to go canoeing, but as a smoker, I was never really active and I didn't want to spend to much time outside doing things.  Now I want to spend a lot of time outside just enjoying life and doing things.  My wife and I are just happier now that we don't smoke and want to spend time doing things other then just being at home.  In the past month and a half we have gone out more than we have in the past year and it again, just feels great.  When you quit smoking, you just feel better and want to do more.  Nobody should be restricted to activities because of smoking, just quit and see how much better life is.

Not the river we went canoeing on, but just imagine the fun you could have getting outdoors.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 54

Day 54 - Another great day of just feeling good.  I noticed that each day I have a couple of raspy coughs, but I am sure that is just part of the process of quitting and the lungs clearing.  I feel energized most of the time, but I do have times when I just feel tired.  Tired or energized, I feel good and look forward to many more great weeks to come.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 53

Day 53 - I want to tell you what a great choice it is to be a non-smoker.  You just enjoy life more and understand that you will have a full life and that you are not cutting it short.  I just feel great and I wanted everyone to know this.  My Blog has finally reached 1000 views and I am proud that people from all over the world are reading my Blog.  Instead of putting a downer image today, I want to show something a little brighter.

Think of all the adventures you can take with all of the money you are saving from not smoking.  This image is from French Polynesia.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 52

Day 52 - I am finally at the point where I can get through a day without even thinking about having a cigarette.  I know when I first began to not smoke, I had urges everyday, it is surprising that I can get to where I am now and that I can get through a whole day without thinking of a cigarette and it feels great.

One more reason to quit smoking:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 51

Day 51 - I am not sure about anyone out there that is still smoking after reading my Blog, but let me tell you, I used to have the thought process of "We all have to die sooner or later" and such a powerful statement I can now see this was.  I want to live!  We all have choices in whether we live as long as we can or we poison ourselves and die much earlier then we should.  I for one would not want to see myself or have my family see me looking like the person in the image below.  You have a choice, make the right one and quit now.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 50

Day 50 - Okay, now is the time for you to tell me if my Blog has been helping anyone.  Leave me a comment, I would love to see them.  If I have help just one person out there other than my wife and I with this Blog then I will feel this has been a huge success.  I will continue to provide reasons why you should quit or remain a non-smoker.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 49

Day 49 - Another great day of not smoking.  I present you another reason to quit smoking:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 48

Day 48 - Let's be honest, if you smoke you know your life is shortened.  If this is what you want then it is okay to keep smoking, but if you want to live, there is no time like today to quit.  Everyone and I mean everyone has a reason to want to live as long as possible.  I went to my moms yesterday and I found myself preaching to my sister about quitting, this coming from me who smoked for 25 years.  I feel so strong about helping people to live that I will preach the word of quitting smoking, that is how important it is to me.  Here is another reason you want to quit smoking:

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 47

Day 47 - Well, I have made quite the distance in my journey in quitting smoking.  I never thought I would get past day 1 let alone be at day 47.  Just when you think you can't go any further in your own journey to quit, you just need to tell yourself, I am better then the cigarette.  You will win, sometimes you do win when you quite, and this is one of those times.  Watch this video, listen and enjoy.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 46

Day 46 - As each day passes I am going to emphasize some of the main reasons I quit, major one being for my health.  I have been watching videos and seeing images of people that have not quit and also have not survived.  It should be a true wake up call for anyone continuing to smoke.  I will set out this week to provide a "Wake up call" image each day for the next 7 days.

This is just heartbreaking, but it is true and if you smoke this could be you: