Sunday, July 6, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 20

Day 20 - On this day my wife and I went out to look at the new bicycles we are going to buy.  Since we don't want the quitting smoking to go to waste, we are going to add in exercising to fill in some gaps of the smoking urge.  I am so happy on how far we have come so far and I look forward to being a non-smoker for the rest of my life.  To anyone who reads my Blog and is a smoker considering becoming a non-smoker, when you first begin it will be hard, but just remember how much better you will feel in a couple of weeks after quitting.  I am full of energy and sometimes it is bad because I don't know what to do, but I guess I would rather be full of energy then not have enough energy.  Let's all be energized and enjoy life.

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