Friday, July 18, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 32

Day 32 - The struggle continues.  I find that some urges I have throughout the day are getting stronger.  I am not sure if that is because I am more stressed, which I really don't feel more stressed, or is it just a normal part of quitting.  I ask myself, is the expectation when quitting to have good days and bad days?  The answer I guess would have to be yes.  Nicotine is an addiction just like any other drug and when you are trying to break the habit, you will continue to have that little voice in your head saying you want nicotine, you want a cigarette.  I am still on the patch, so the nicotine is covered for now, but now I think, what is going to happen when I am no longer using the patch.  One thing I make sure to do is get my thought process off of the thought of no more patches so I don't get more anxious.  Currently, I can control the urges I get and when they get really bad, I just listen to a song or two with a headset till they pass.  I think music is a good thing to turn to, because it gets you thinking about other things if you actually listen to the words.  I found this one video on YouTube that is not only good but also has some funny parts.  Hope you enjoy!!!

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