Saturday, July 12, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 26

Day 26 - Yesterday was a great day.  It was Friday so why wouldn't it be a great day and on top of that it was payday.  It feels great to move forward each day as each day is closer that I will no longer have to use the patch to quit smoking.  I have roughly 6 weeks and 2 days left on the patch and then I am on my own.  I think I will do fine as I am not feeling any remorse about quitting smoking.  I still have urges, but I have found was to deal with those.  I think back to the days when I did smoke and what a routine that was.  If your are a smoker, look at your day to day routine and you will know what I am talking about.  I would get up everyday and go to the bathroom and then go have a cigarette, this was a daily routine for years.  Then throughout the day I had my cigarette breaks timed and I would keep that routine everyday.  Pretty boring if you ask me.  Now, I don't have a routine, I get up each day as a new day and new things to do and it feels great.  Let's see what I am not putting in my body as a daily routine:

OK I found one thing in the picture that I am putting in my body still and that is Nicotine from the patch.  I will soon be off of the patch so then everything in the picture will not be going into my body.

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