Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Quit smoking with Nicoderm CQ - Day 30

Day 30 - Yesterday was a great day.  1 month down and many more great months to come as a non-smoker.  I feel good even with a few urges and anxiety, I feel good.  I am learning that each day comes and a new routine begins.  It makes life interesting when everyday is a new day.  I feel that good things are to come as I move forward as a non-smoker.  I certainly hope people are reading these posts and are finding them useful.  If not that is alright because I do this for me, just like quitting smoking, you will being doing it for yourself.  You are doing it to be healthier and so that you can be their for your family, but if you truly don't want to quit and you are doing it because someone told you to, you will not succeed.  Please feel free to ask any questions for anyone of my posts or just leave comments, I will reply.  Anything you want to know about quitting just ask and I will be happy to tell you everything I have been going through that may not have made it on this Blog.

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